May 16, 2016
CA GOP honors true heroes of California and Our Country
The beginning of the California GOP Convention has been chaotic, to say the least. Protestors were the focus outside but the business of the people was really taking place inside. We had two of the three Presidential candidates speak to us and enjoyed speaking with many candidates and elected leaders from throughout the State. We also have an amazing, hard working staff that is helping to provide a great convention experience to our delegates. To them I say thank you..But I wanted to share photos of the true heros of California and our country.
We have a memorial wall in the atrium of our loved service men and women who died for us in our armed forces.
This area has drawn me several times today and I find myself feeling an emotional bond with their parents. I am only sharing a few of the pictures but I ask my Facebook friends to say a little prayer tonight for their families. And with a big grateful heart of thanks. #heros #thankyou #wallofthanks #cagop#leadright2016 #cagopconvention